CNAM will participate to the project with members from the communications and computer science department (CEDRIC), and more precisely to the Networks and IoT Systems ROC team, focusing on network virtualization, Internet protocol design and mobile computing.
CNAM participants: Pedro Braconnot Velloso, Selma Boumerdassi, Stefano Secci (PI).
IMDEA Networks
IMDEA Networks Institute is a non-profit public research Institute located in Madrid, Spain. The institute has the objective of performing world-class research, carrying out technology transfer and attract talented researchers in the area of computer networks. Its multinational team is engaged in cutting-edge fundamental science in all areas of networking, and counts with a number of prestigious researchers experienced in participating in EU and national funded projects. Despite its recent creation, IMDEA Networks Institute is ranked among the top European universities and research centers for its target domains, i.e., computer networks, mobile computing, and measurements and performance analysis. The personnel involved in the CoCo5G project belongs to the Networks Data Science (NDS) group, which carries out research at the interface of mobile networking and data science, by applying and tailoring tools from artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistical analysis and data mining to the metadata that flows through modern mobile network architectures. The NDS group researchers address problems on the characterization, modeling and forecasting of the complex dynamics of mobile data traffic, and use the derived insights to improve the design and operation of mobile network architectures; they also leverage the rich information available in mobile network metadata to solve challenging problems in social sciences with a computational, data-driven approach. The research of the NDS group largely builds on large-scale measurement data collected in the operational systems of major mobile network providers, and is carried out in cooperation with leading academic and industrial partners.
IMDEA particopants: Marco Fiore, André Zanella, Aristide Tanyi-Jong Akem, Stefanos Bakirtzis
Inria will participate to this project through the Inria Agora team. Agora is part of the Inria Rhône-Alpes center and it is hosted at the CITI laboratory at INSA Lyon.The team was created in January 2017, following up the Inria UrbaNet project, and it brings together 5 permanent researchers and 12 post-docs and Ph.D. students. The research group concentrates on the study of wireless networks in an urban environment, including the analysis of mobile traffic data and the proposal of adaptive and anticipatory solutions for mobile networks.
Inria participants: Razvan Stanica (PI), Fabrice Valois, Hervé Rivano.
Orange SA is one of the biggest global telecommunication operators. Orange Labs is a worldwide R&D network of the Orange Group. With over 3,800 researchers, engineers and scientists, it produces around 500 inventions patented each year (and over 8,400 patents filed). The SENSE department is the social sciences laboratory inside Orange Labs. It counts some 60 researchers (including 20 PhD candidates and postdocs) in sociology of communication and innovation, economics, geography, ergonomics and statistics. The department uses a large scope of methodologies, ranging from direct observation and qualitative studies, sociological surveys and panels to large scale social network analysis, and is tightly connected to academia in France and abroad engaging frequently in collaborative research. Orange Labs brings to the project an expertise in mobile phone data collection and pre-processing, human mobility and communication analysis, and mobile phone data anonymization.
Orange participants: Nancy Perrot (PI), Zbigniew Smoreda, Cezary Ziemlicki, Stefania Rubrichi
THALES addresses every activity related to telecommunications: wireless communications, IP networks, satellite communication, network and service management and security. Thales has a deep skill in secure telecommunications for public and governmental organizations, emergency services, transportation, and avionics. Thales will be represented by two labs. The CNS (Communications, Networks & Systems) laboratory at Thales in Gennevilliers, France, is involved in leading cutting-edge projects aiming in specification, design and integration of security and telecommunication infrastructures and services. CNS gathers 20 data scientists with mixed background covering telecommunications, mobile networks, and virtual networking. CNS is also in charge of transferring technological bricks to Thales’s business lines.
Thales participants: Vania Conan (project coordinator), Agathe Blaise.